

In this tutorial, we will learn how to use SELECT INTO statement using SQL.


  • SQL SELECT INTO copies data from one table into a new table.
  • SQL SELECT INTO statement is used to create a table from an existing table by copying the existing table's columns.
Syntax - Copy all columns into a new table using SELECT INTO Statement
INTO newTable [IN externaldb]
FROM oldTable
Syntax - Copy only specified columns into a new table using SELECT INTO statement
SELECT column1,column2,....columnN
INTO newTable [IN externaldb]
FROM oldTable


Let us consider this table "Employee" for records.

Table Name: Employee

ID EmpName City Country Gender Salary
1 Shankar Delhi India male 25000
2 Sourabh Delhi India male 30000
3 Ranvijay Mumbai India male 15000
4 Kapil Noida India male 25000
5 Shalini Jaipur India female 18000
6 Rakesh Faridabad India male 23000
7 Akshay Mumbai India male 21000
8 Sarah New York US female 76000
9 Rocky Noida India male 28000

Example of SELECT INTO Statement

For copying records from the old table to the new table using SELECT INTO statement, a query will be:

Example - Copy all columns into a new table using SELECT INTO Statement
SELECT * INTO BackupTable 
FROM Employee
ID EmpName City Country Gender Salary
1 Shankar Delhi India male 25000
2 Sourabh Delhi India male 30000
3 Ranvijay Mumbai India male 15000
4 Kapil Noida India male 25000
5 Shalini Jaipur India female 18000
6 Rakesh Faridabad India male 23000
7 Akshay Mumbai India male 21000
8 Sarah New York US female 76000
9 Rocky Noida India male 28000

A new table is created with the name "BackupTable".

For creating a backup copy of the table into a new table in another database using the IN clause, a query will be:

SELECT * INTO EmployeeBackup2018 IN 'Backup.mdb'
FROM Employee;

For creating copy only a few columns into a new table, a query will be:

Example - Copy Only a few Columns into a new table using SELECT INTO
SELECT EmpName,City,Country,Salary INTO EmployeeBackup2018
FROM Employee;

For creating a copy of Indian employee into a new table using WHERE clause, a query will be:

SELECT * INTO EmployeeBackup2018
FROM Employee
WHERE Country='India';

SELECT INTO can also be used for creating a new empty table with the schema of an old table, just add a WHERE clause that causes the statement to return no data, a query will be:

Example - Creating a new empty table with the schema of an old table 
SELECT * INTO newTable
FROM oldtable
WHERE 1 = 0;

This query will return no records and just create a copy of a table.