
C# foreach Loop

The foreach loop in C# is a specialized looping construct that allows you to iterate over collections or arrays in a clean and straightforward manner. It simplifies the task of iterating over elements in a collection by eliminating the need for managing the loop index or counters manually. In this tutorial, we will explore the foreach loop in detail, understand how it works, and learn about various practical use cases with examples.

What is a foreach Loop?

The foreach loop is used to iterate through elements of a collection (such as arrays, lists, dictionaries, etc.) in C#. The primary feature of the foreach loop is that it hides the complexity of working with enumerators and provides a more readable and cleaner way to process items sequentially.

In contrast to other loops like for or while, the foreach loop does not require you to manage an index variable, making it less prone to errors and easier to read when dealing with collections.

Syntax of the foreach Loop

The syntax of the foreach loop in C# is very straightforward:

foreach (type variable in collection)
    // Code to execute for each element in the collection


  • type: The data type of the elements in the collection.
  • variable: The loop variable that represents each element during iteration.
  • collection: The collection (array, list, etc.) you are iterating over.

How the foreach Loop Works

When a foreach loop runs, it iterates through each element of the given collection. For each iteration:

  1. The current element is stored in the loop variable.
  2. The code block inside the loop is executed with the current element.
  3. The next element is automatically retrieved, and the process continues until all elements have been processed.

The loop will automatically stop after the last element of the collection has been processed, and no manual termination condition is needed.

Examples of foreach Loop in C#

Example 1: Iterating Over an Array

string[] fruits = { "Apple", "Banana", "Cherry", "Date" };

foreach (string fruit in fruits)




  • In this example, the foreach loop iterates over the fruits array.
  • Each fruit is stored in the fruit variable and printed to the console.

Example 2: Iterating Over a List

List<int> numbers = new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

foreach (int number in numbers)
    Console.WriteLine(number * 2); // Multiply each number by 2




  • This example demonstrates how to iterate over a List<int> of numbers.
  • Each number in the list is multiplied by 2 and printed to the console.

Example 3: Iterating Over a Dictionary

Dictionary<string, int> ages = new Dictionary<string, int>
    { "Alice", 25 },
    { "Bob", 30 },
    { "Charlie", 35 }

foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> person in ages)
    Console.WriteLine($"{person.Key} is {person.Value} years old.");


Alice is 25 years old.
Bob is 30 years old.
Charlie is 35 years old.


  • The foreach loop is used to iterate over a dictionary, where each element is a KeyValuePair containing a Key and Value.
  • The loop prints the names and ages stored in the dictionary.

Example 4: Modifying Elements in a Collection (Read-Only)

int[] scores = { 10, 20, 30, 40 };

// Modifying elements inside a foreach loop won't affect the original array
foreach (int score in scores)
    int newScore = score + 10;
    Console.WriteLine($"Modified Score: {newScore}");

Console.WriteLine("Original Scores:");
foreach (int score in scores)
    Console.WriteLine(score);  // Original scores remain unchanged


Modified Score: 20
Modified Score: 30
Modified Score: 40
Modified Score: 50
Original Scores:


  • The foreach loop cannot modify the original collection directly, as the loop variable score is a read-only copy of each element.
  • The modified values are not reflected in the original scores array.

Common Use Cases of foreach Loop

  1. Processing Data in Arrays and Collections: The foreach loop is ideal for iterating over arrays, lists, and other collections where you need to process each element.
    Example: Displaying elements in a shopping cart.
  2. Iterating Through Dictionaries: You can use the foreach loop to iterate through key-value pairs in dictionaries, which is useful when processing mappings (like user data or configuration settings).
    Example: Displaying settings or user preferences stored in a dictionary.
  3. Looping Through LINQ Queries: The foreach loop can be used to iterate through the results of a LINQ query, making it a great way to process filtered or transformed data.
    Example: Iterating over filtered data from a database.
  4. Reading from Files: The foreach loop can be used to iterate over lines in a file or other sequential data streams.
    Example: Processing lines of a text file.
  5. Outputting Collection Contents: Whether you're logging data, displaying UI elements, or generating reports, foreach is commonly used to output the contents of a collection.

Benefits and Limitations of foreach Loop


  • Readability: The foreach loop is clean and easy to understand because it abstracts the details of looping (like index management).
  • Avoids Errors: Since there's no need to manually manage indices, the chances of off-by-one errors or out-of-bound exceptions are reduced.
  • Simple Syntax: You don't have to specify the start and end conditions as with other loops (for, while), making it concise.


  • Read-Only Access: You cannot modify the elements of the collection directly through the loop variable. Any attempt to modify an element within a foreach loop will only affect the local copy, not the original collection.
  • Less Control: If you need to skip elements or change the flow dynamically (e.g., skip iterations, go back, or jump forward), for or while loops might provide more control.
  • Not Ideal for Complex Iteration Logic: For situations where you need to iterate backward or manipulate multiple collections simultaneously, the foreach loop may not be the best choice.

Key Takeaways

  • The foreach loop is designed for iterating over collections (arrays, lists, dictionaries, etc.) in a simple and clean way.
  • It ensures readability and avoids the complexity of index management found in for loops.
  • The loop provides read-only access to collection elements, making it ideal for processing but not for modifying elements.
  • It’s widely used in scenarios involving data processing, output generation, and file reading.
  • Limitations include the inability to modify the underlying collection directly and the lack of control over iteration flow compared to other loop constructs.


The foreach loop is an invaluable tool in C# for processing collections with ease and clarity. Whether you're dealing with arrays, lists, or dictionaries, foreach allows you to focus on what you're doing with each element rather than worrying about loop mechanics like index variables or collection bounds. However, it's important to be aware of its limitations, particularly when it comes to modifying the collection you're iterating over. Understanding when to use foreach versus other loop types will make your code more efficient, readable, and maintainable.