
C# Constructor and Destructor

In C#, constructors and destructors are special types of methods used in class instantiation and resource cleanup. Constructors are invoked when an object of a class is created, while destructors are called when an object is destroyed. They are essential in managing memory, initializing object states, and ensuring efficient use of system resources.

Understanding how constructors and destructors work is fundamental to writing robust, efficient C# programs. In this tutorial, we will dive into how to use them, their different types, and explore real-world scenarios where they are applied.

What is a Constructor?

A constructor in C# is a special method that initializes an object when it is created. Constructors have the same name as the class and do not have a return type (not even void). They are automatically invoked when an instance of a class is created, setting up the initial state of an object by assigning values to fields or performing other startup tasks.

Syntax of a Constructor:

class ClassName
    // Constructor
    public ClassName()
        // Initialization code here

Default Constructor

A default constructor is a parameterless constructor that initializes object members to their default values. If no constructor is explicitly defined in a class, the C# compiler provides a default constructor.


public class Car
    public string Model;
    public int Year;

    // Default constructor
    public Car()
        Model = "Unknown";
        Year = 2000;

Car myCar = new Car();
Console.WriteLine($"Model: {myCar.Model}, Year: {myCar.Year}");
// Output: Model: Unknown, Year: 2000

Use Case:

  • Use the default constructor when you want to initialize default values for object members that don’t require parameters to be passed during object creation.

Parameterized Constructor

A parameterized constructor allows you to pass arguments during the creation of an object. This enables you to initialize object properties with specific values.


public class Car
    public string Model;
    public int Year;

    // Parameterized constructor
    public Car(string model, int year)
        Model = model;
        Year = year;

Car myCar = new Car("Tesla", 2023);
Console.WriteLine($"Model: {myCar.Model}, Year: {myCar.Year}");
// Output: Model: Tesla, Year: 2023

Use Case:

  • Use a parameterized constructor when object initialization requires specific values, such as setting up a user profile or configuring a car's make and model.

Static Constructor

A static constructor is used to initialize static members of a class or perform an action that needs to be executed only once. It is called automatically before the first instance of the class is created or any static members are accessed.


public class Logger
    public static string LogDirectory;

    // Static constructor
    static Logger()
        LogDirectory = "/var/logs";
        Console.WriteLine("Static constructor called.");

// Output: Static constructor called.
//         /var/logs

Use Case:

  • Use a static constructor when you need to perform a one-time setup, such as initializing static resources (e.g., loading configuration settings) that will be shared across all instances.

Copy Constructor

A copy constructor creates a new object by copying an existing object's values. C# doesn’t provide a built-in copy constructor like C++, but you can define one explicitly.


public class Person
    public string Name;
    public int Age;

    // Copy constructor
    public Person(Person otherPerson)
        Name = otherPerson.Name;
        Age = otherPerson.Age;

Person original = new Person { Name = "John", Age = 30 };
Person copy = new Person(original);

Console.WriteLine($"Name: {copy.Name}, Age: {copy.Age}");
// Output: Name: John, Age: 30

Use Case:

  • Use a copy constructor when you need to duplicate an object while maintaining the same values in a separate instance, such as creating a copy of a complex data structure.

1.5 Private Constructor

A private constructor restricts the creation of an object from outside the class. This is commonly used in implementing the Singleton design pattern.


public class Singleton
    private static Singleton _instance;

    // Private constructor
    private Singleton() { }

    public static Singleton GetInstance()
        if (_instance == null)
            _instance = new Singleton();
        return _instance;

Singleton instance1 = Singleton.GetInstance();
Singleton instance2 = Singleton.GetInstance();

Console.WriteLine(instance1 == instance2);  // Output: True

Use Case:

  • Use a private constructor when you want to control object creation, such as enforcing the Singleton pattern to ensure only one instance of a class exists.

What is a Destructor?

A destructor in C# is used to clean up resources when an object is destroyed. Destructors have the same name as the class prefixed with a tilde (~) and cannot take parameters. In C#, destructors are rarely needed because the garbage collector handles memory management, but they can be useful when dealing with unmanaged resources like file handles or database connections.

Example of Destructor:

public class FileManager
    private string filePath;

    public FileManager(string path)
        filePath = path;
        Console.WriteLine("File opened: " + filePath);

    // Destructor
        Console.WriteLine("File closed: " + filePath);

FileManager fm = new FileManager("/some/file/path.txt");

Use Case:

  • Use a destructor when you need to release unmanaged resources like file streams, database connections, or other system resources that are not handled by the garbage collector.

Real-World Use Cases for Constructors and Destructors

Web Application Initialization (Parameterized Constructor)

In a web application, parameterized constructors are often used to initialize controllers or services with necessary dependencies like database connections, configurations, or API clients.

public class ProductService
    private IDatabase _database;

    // Parameterized constructor with dependency injection
    public ProductService(IDatabase database)
        _database = database;

    public void GetProducts()
        _database.Query("SELECT * FROM Products");

Singleton Design Pattern (Private Constructor)

In software development, especially in application frameworks, the Singleton pattern is used to manage centralized control over certain resources or configurations (e.g., logging, configuration services).

public class ConfigManager
    private static ConfigManager _instance;
    private Dictionary<string, string> _settings;

    private ConfigManager()
        _settings = new Dictionary<string, string>();

    public static ConfigManager Instance
            if (_instance == null)
                _instance = new ConfigManager();
            return _instance;

    public void SetSetting(string key, string value)
        _settings[key] = value;

    public string GetSetting(string key)
        return _settings.ContainsKey(key) ? _settings[key] : null;

Resource Management (Destructor)

For applications that interact with system-level resources such as file systems or hardware devices, destructors can be useful to ensure that these resources are cleaned up properly when objects are no longer needed.

Key Takeaways

  1. Constructors are methods used to initialize objects.
    • Default constructors are parameterless and provide default values.
    • Parameterized constructors allow initialization with specific values.
    • Static constructors initialize static members and are called only once.
    • Copy constructors copy values from an existing object.
    • Private constructors are used in Singleton patterns to control object creation.
  2. Destructors are used to clean up resources when objects are destroyed, typically unmanaged resources like files or database connections.
  3. Real-world applications of constructors and destructors include:
    • Dependency injection in web applications.
    • Managing system resources like database connections and file handles.
    • Implementing the Singleton pattern for global resource management.


In C#, constructors are used to initialize objects, while destructors are used to clean up unmanaged resources. Constructors help ensure that objects are properly initialized with valid data, while destructors handle the release of resources. By combining the appropriate types of constructors, you can create well-structured and efficient programs that handle complex initialization tasks.

By mastering the use of constructors and destructors, you can ensure that your C# applications handle object creation and resource management efficiently.