
How to Split a String at Every Nth Character in Python

Tutorialsrack 05/03/2021 Python

In this article, you will learn how to split a string at every Nth character in python. There are many ways to split a string at every Nth character.

Here are some examples of how to split a string at every Nth Character

Example 1: Using list comprehension

In this example, we used the list comprehension for a more compact implementation.

Example 1: Using list comprehension
# Define a Function
def splitString(n,str):
    splittedString = [str[i:i+n] for i in range(0, len(str), n)]
    return splittedString
# output
# Output => ['Tu', 'to', 'ri', 'al', 'sr', 'ac', 'k.', 'co', 'm']
# Output => ['Tut', 'ori', 'als', 'rac', 'k.c', 'om']
# Output => ['12', '34', '56', '78', '90', '12', '3']

Example 2: Using Regular Expression

In this example, we used the regular expression to split a string at every Nth character in python. And we used the findall() method from the re module to split a string at every Nth character in python.

Example 2: Using Regular Expression
# Import Module
import re
# Define a Function
def splitString(n,str):
    splittedString = re.findall(n,str)
    return splittedString
# output
# Output => ['Tu', 'to', 'ri', 'al', 'sr', 'ac', 'k.', 'co', 'm']
# Output => ['Tu', 'to', 'ri', 'al', 'sr', 'ac', 'k.', 'co', 'm']
# Output => ['12', '34', '56', '78', '90', '12', '3']

# Output => ['12', '34', '56', '78', '90', '12', '3']

Example 3: Using textwrap Module

In this example, we used the wrap() method from the textwrap module.

Example 3: Using textwrap Module
# Import Module
from textwrap import wrap
# Define a Function
def splitString(n, str):
    splittedString = wrap(str,n)
    return splittedString
# output
# Output => ['Tu', 'to', 'ri', 'al', 'sr', 'ac', 'k.', 'co', 'm']
# Output => ['Tut', 'ori', 'als', 'rac', 'k.c', 'om']
# Output => ['12', '34', '56', '78', '90', '12', '3']
# Output => ['1234', '5678', '9012', '3']

Example 4: Use For and range() and list.append()

In this example, we used a for loop and range(start, stop, step) to iterate over a range from start to stop where the stop is the length of the string len(string) and step is every number of characters where the string will be split. Use string slicing syntax string[index : index + step] to acquire a string with step characters. Use list.append() function to add that previously described string to a list.

Example 4: Use For and range() and list.append()
# Define a Function
def splitString(n,str):
    splittedString = []
    for index in range(0, len(str), n):
        splittedString.append(str[index : index + n])
    # Return Output
    return splittedString    
# output
# Output => ['Tu', 'to', 'ri', 'al', 'sr', 'ac', 'k.', 'co', 'm']
# Output => ['Tut', 'ori', 'als', 'rac', 'k.c', 'om']
# Output => ['12', '34', '56', '78', '90', '12', '3']
# Output => ['1234', '5678', '9012', '3'] 

I hope this article will help you to understand how to split a string at every Nth character in python.

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