
Python Program to Sort a List in Descending Order

Tutorialsrack 04/05/2020 Python

In this python program, we will learn how to sort a list in descending order. There are various ways to sort a list in descending order in python. We can sort the list using python built-in functions such as using sort(), sorted(), sort() and reverse() or using loops.

Here is the source code of the program to sort a list in descending order.

Program 1: Python Program to Sort a List in Descending Order Using sort() with option reverse=True Method

In this program, we used the python built-in sort() function with option reverse=True. The sort() function sorts the list and reverse=True reverse the sorted list in descending order.

Python Program to Sort a List in Descending Order Using sort() with option reverse=True Method
# Python Program to Sort a List in Descending Order Using sort()
# with option reverse=True Method

NumList = [12,45,87,49,56,46]

# Print the List
print("\nElement Before Sorting is: ", NumList)

print("\nElement After Sorting List in Descending Order is:\n", NumList)

Element Before Sorting is:  [12, 45, 87, 49, 56, 46]


Element After Sorting List in Descending Order is:

 [87, 56, 49, 46, 45, 12]

Program 2: Python Program to Sort a List in Descending Order Using sorted() with option reverse=True Method

In this program, we used the sorted() function to sort the list using reverse=True option. The sorted() function sort the list and reverse=True reverse the list in descending order.

Python Program to Sort a List in Descending Order Using sorted() with option reverse=True Method
# Python Program to Sort a List in Descending Order Using sorted()
# with option reverse=True Method

NumList = [12,45,87,49,56,46]

# Print the List
print("\nElement Before Sorting is: ", NumList)

print("\nElement After Sorting List in Descending Order is: \n", NumList)

Element Before Sorting is:  [12, 45, 87, 49, 56, 46]


Element After Sorting List in Descending Order is: 

 [12, 45, 87, 49, 56, 46]

Program 3: Python Program to Sort a List in Descending Order Using sort() and reverse() Method

In this program, we used the python built-in function sort() and reverse(). The sort() function sorts the list in ascending order and the reverse() function reverses the list in descending order.

Python Program to Sort a List in Descending Order Using sort() and reverse() Method
# Python Program to Sort a List in Descending Order Using sort() and reverse() Method

NumList = [12,45,87,49,56,46]

# Print the List
print("\nElement Before Sorting is: ", NumList)

print("\nElement After Sorting List in Descending Order is: \n", NumList)

Element Before Sorting is:  [12, 45, 87, 49, 56, 46]


Element After Sorting List in Descending Order is: 

 [87, 56, 49, 46, 45, 12]

Program 4: Python Program to Sort a List in Descending Order Using For Loop

Python Program to Sort a List in Descending Order Using For Loop
# Python Program to Sort a List in Descending Order Using For Loop

NumList = [12,45,87,49,56,46]

# Print the List
print("\nElement Before Sorting is: ", NumList)

for i in range (Number):
    for j in range(i + 1, Number):
        if(NumList[i] < NumList[j]):
            temp = NumList[i]
            NumList[i] = NumList[j]
            NumList[j] = temp

print("\nElement After Sorting List in Descending Order is: \n", NumList)

Element Before Sorting is:  [12, 45, 87, 49, 56, 46]


Element After Sorting List in Descending Order is: 

 [87, 56, 49, 46, 45, 12]

Program 5: Python Program to Sort a List in Descending Order Using While Loop

Python Program to Sort a List in Descending Order Using While Loop
# Python Program to Sort a List in Descending Order Using While Loop

NumList = [12,45,87,49,56,46]

print("\nElement Before Sorting is: ", NumList)

i = 0
while(i < Number):
    j = i + 1
    while(j < Number):
        if(NumList[i] < NumList[j]):
            temp = NumList[i]
            NumList[i] = NumList[j]
            NumList[j] = temp
        j = j + 1
    i = i + 1

print("\nElement After Sorting List in Descending Order is: \n", NumList)

Element Before Sorting is:  [12, 45, 87, 49, 56, 46]


Element After Sorting List in Descending Order is: 

 [87, 56, 49, 46, 45, 12]

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