In this python program, we will learn how to put even and odd numbers in a separate list.
Here is the source code of the program to put even and odd numbers in a separate list.
# Python Program to Put Even and Odd Numbers in a Separate List Using For Loop
NumList = []
Even = []
Odd = []
# Take the Input From the User
Number = int(input("Enter the Total Number of List Elements: "))
for i in range(1, Number + 1):
value = int(input("Enter the Value of %d Element: " %i))
# Print the List
print("\nOriginal List: ",NumList)
for j in range(Number):
if(NumList[j] % 2 == 0):
print("\nElement in Even List is: ", Even)
print("Element in Odd List is: ", Odd)
Enter the Total Number of List Elements: 8
Enter the Value of 1 Element: 445
Enter the Value of 2 Element: 136
Enter the Value of 3 Element: 423
Enter the Value of 4 Element: 556
Enter the Value of 5 Element: 452
Enter the Value of 6 Element: 895
Enter the Value of 7 Element: 445
Enter the Value of 8 Element: 332
Original List: [445, 136, 423, 556, 452, 895, 445, 332]
Element in Even List is: [136, 556, 452, 332]
Element in Odd List is: [445, 423, 895, 445]
# Python Program to Put Even and Odd Numbers in a Separate List Using While Loop
NumList = []
Even = []
Odd = []
j = 0
# Take the Input from the User
Number = int(input("Enter the Total Number of List Elements: "))
for i in range(1, Number + 1):
value = int(input("Enter the Value of %d Element: " %i))
# Print the List
print("\nOriginal List: ",NumList)
while(j < Number):
if(NumList[j] % 2 == 0):
j = j + 1
print("\nElement in Even List is: ", Even)
print("Element in Odd List is: ", Odd)
Enter the Total Number of List Elements: 6
Enter the Value of 1 Element: 45
Enter the Value of 2 Element: 65
Enter the Value of 3 Element: 152
Enter the Value of 4 Element: 852
Enter the Value of 5 Element: 789
Enter the Value of 6 Element: 32
Original List: [45, 65, 152, 852, 789, 32]
Element in Even List is: [152, 852, 32]
Element in Odd List is: [45, 65, 789]