
Python Program to Count the Total Number of words in a Given String

Tutorialsrack 27/04/2020 Python

In this python program, we will learn how to count the total number of words in a given string. For counting the total number of words, we use for and while loop and len() function to count the length of the string.

Here is the source code of the program to count the total number of words in a given string.

Program 1: Python Program to Count the Total Number of words in a Given String Using For Loop with Range

Python Program to Count the Total Number of words in a Given String Using For Loop with Range
# Python Program to Count the Total Number of words in a Given String Using For Loop with Range

# Take the Input from the User
str1 = input("Enter The String: ")
total = 1

for i in range(len(str1)):
    if(str1[i] == ' ' or str1 == '\n' or str1 == '\t'):
        total = total + 1

print("Total Number of Words in this String = ", total)

Enter The String: Tutorials Rack is an Online Learning Website

Total Number of Words in this String =  7

Program 2: Python Program to Count the Total Number of words in a Given String Using While Loop

Python Program to Count the Total Number of words in a Given String Using While Loop
# Python Program to Count the Total Number of words in a Given String Using While Loop

# Take the Input from the User
str1 = input("Enter the String: ")
total = 1
i = 0

while(i < len(str1)):
    if(str1[i] == ' ' or str1 == '\n' or str1 == '\t'):
        total = total + 1
    i = i + 1

print("Total Number of Words in this String = ", total)

Enter the String: Tutorials Rack is an Online Learning Website

Total Number of Words in this String =  7

Program 3: Python Program to Count the Total Number of words in a Given String Using a Function

Python Program to Count the Total Number of words in a Given String Using a Function

# Python Program to Count the Total Number of words in a Given String Using a Function

# Defining a Function
def Count_Total_Words(str1):
    total = 1
    for i in range(len(str1)):
        if(str1[i] == ' ' or str1 == '\n' or str1 == '\t'):
            total = total + 1
    return total

# Take the Input From the User
string = input("Enter The String: ")
Total_Words_Count = Count_Total_Words(string)
print("Total Number of Words in this String = ", Total_Words_Count)

Enter The String: Tutorials Rack is an Online Learning Website

Total Number of Words in this String =  7

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