
Python Program to Calculate the Compound Interest

Tutorialsrack 25/04/2020 Python

In this python program, we will learn how to calculate the compound interest. Before we start with the program, first we know the formula for calculating the compound interest.

Compound Interest Formula

Here is the source code of the program to calculate the compound interest.

Python Program to Calculate the Compound Interest
# Python Program to Calculate the Compound Interest

# Import Module
import math

# To take input from the User
principal_amount = float(input("Enter the Principal Amount: "))
rate_of_int = float(input("Enter the Rate Of Interest: "))
time_period = float(input("Enter Time period in Years: "))

ci_future = principal_amount * (math.pow((1 + rate_of_int / 100), time_period)) 
compound_int = ci_future - principal_amount

print("Future Compound Interest for Principal Amount {0} = {1}".format(principal_amount, ci_future))
print("Compound Interest for Principal Amount {0} = {1}".format(principal_amount, compound_int))

Enter the Principal Amount: 50000

Enter the Rate Of Interest: 8.25

Enter Time period in Years: 5

Future Compound Interest for Principal Amount 50000.0 = 74320.65516305176

Compound Interest for Principal Amount 50000.0 = 24320.655163051764

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