
C Program to Swap Two Numbers using + & - operator

Tutorialsrack 03/11/2019 C

In this C program, we will learn how to write a program to swap two numbers using + & - operator.

Here is the code of the program to swap two numbers using + & - operator.

Code - C Program to Swap Two Numbers using + & - operator
//C Program to Swap Two Number using + & - operator
#include <stdio.h>

void main()
    int a = 5, b = 10, temp;
    printf("Number Before swap a= %d and b= %d", a, b);
    //swapping Logic
    a = a + b; //Here, a=15 (5+10)
    b = a - b; //Here, b=5  (15-10)
    a = a - b; //Here, a=10 (15-5)
    printf("\nNumber After swapping a= %d and b= %d", a, b); 

Number Before swap a= 5 and b= 10
Number After swapping a= 10 and b= 5
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